Garage Sale: Adventure and Discovery
I went garage sale-ing last weekend. A warm (finally!) Saturday morning just relaxing, meeting people who are relaxing. It’s a game we play together. Not a lot of expectation. People let their guard down, discarding whatever workday personas they wear. Within just a few minutes, we can find common ground, share a moment of connection, and gracefully move on. And it’s so sweet to consider the heart of someone, based on what they’ve collected over time, and are now ready to release. I always intend a blessing to each home and family as I leave.
This week, I wanted a couple of specific things as I learn what matters in my new house, what I’m collecting over time. A bed frame for one son. A night table for the other. Old towels for the rabbit cage. A couple of kitchen gadgets I haven’t found yet. At the same time I’ve released boxes and boxes of “stuff” to the youth group yard sale, here I am casually gathering other things. Garage sales feed my commitment to recycling, as well as the micro-adventure of discovery. The thrill of the hunt.
I did find a night stand. And a great bed frame, hand made up in the mountains, probably by old hippies. But the best “find” of the day was when I wandered up through some tables of antiques (erector sets –ooooo!) and spied a certain dark shade of green on the “off limits” side of the garage.

I give the standard greeting, “What year is it?” Without blinking, the lady answers, “It’s a 1958 Porsche 356.” Wow. That’s an oldie! And it looks … “Can I look closer?” … I feel a little bad when the gentleman levers himself up out of his lawn chair to move out of the way. And it IS – gorgeous!
Turns out it’s not running just now, but it’s taken them over 850,000 miles in many adventures across the US and Canada. “850-thousand???” “Yup.” I pay homage to this vehicle.

Hoping they’ll understand my reverence, I tell them I drive a 1984 911. It’s my third 911.
When I encourage them to share their experiences in the local Porsche club magazine, they assure me they’ve shared stories before, although mostly in the 356 club magazine. They were even in Pano (the national Porsche club magazine) – 25 years ago!
What a gem! What gems they all are!
We chat a little more about Porsches and road trips. I realize they were probably on Route 66 when it was authentically what is only a re-creation now.
Before all the big box franchising made towns so similar.
Before cell phones and their coverage of back roads.
Before the internet and google made trip planning so very close to being there.

I wish I’d asked your names. I hope you know that my reverent “Thank you” encompasses more than our brief conversation. Thank you for all the adventuring you’ve done. Thank you for who you’ve been in all the places you’ve touched. Thank you for living your passion up and down every single road.
I honor your journey from my heart!